Saturday, November 3, 2007


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This is a story about miracles. the picture above was made by a 10 year old girl named crystal. I found this picture hanging on my cousins wall last night- his name is thaer- i like to call him Thor-of thunder from mythical Greece- since i am trying to tell many people about my invention of lightning to end the energy crisis- it is fitting. so i go to my cousins house last night to check up on him- my cousin is like me- like everyone- trying our best in this world to make sense of it and live a good quality life. some of us see more than others and try to help our fellow man as best we can- it is our duty. but it can be hard at times- we drive on the best we can- day in and day out- this is life- stay consistent in our beliefs in the higher purpose and live our lives this way- but it can be tough sometimes- this picture here is from THOR- he made it for himself and hung it on the wall several months ago- sometimes we just feel we need outside help- WE NEED A MIRACLE
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dont just believe in miracles-depend on them-WE DO LAUGH AT IT - we think its hilarious- but truth is- how many times do we really need miracles- alot.

and then every once and a while-an outside voice- in this case a little girl-ten years old- no one whatsoever told her to make this picture for my cousin- we were discussing this last night- we were talking about crystal- our entire family cannot explain how since the age of four years old- she entirely on her own became a vegan- she absolutely refuses to eat animals since 4!!!!! she would rather starve- my cousin would tell me stories how he would go over to his sister's house and pick up crystal along with her brother- the two are different-even in the same family- crsytal is always upbeat and happy-no matter what- she seems to have understood long ago- happiness is a choice - a state of mind- there is no question in this life there are basically two kinds of people- THOSE THAT SEE THE LIGHT AND THOSE THAT DO NOT-YET-KEY WORD-YET-HOPEFULLY SOME DAY THRU WISDOM THEY WILL- point being- life is a choice- without question crsytal is an exception - from an early age- she feels the calling to respect all life and help others- to not give in- but to continue in the face of adversity- LET ME TELL YOU MY EXPERIENCE OF CRYSTAL- about three years ago-she was 7- i went to thors house to swim in his large inground pool- many children were there- i am not the same as my younger days- but i still thank god for my strength- i have always been an exceptional athlete- and i love to play with children- they are a blast- so at least 5 kids and i are playing tag in the pool- i am extremely fast and very quick to dive under the children and evade them(ok-i know they are little) within the first two or three trys all kinds give up- EXCEPT ONE-CRYSTAL- she didnt give up- i kept trying to evade her in the pool- from one side of the pool to the other-diving underneath to evade- i would turn around to see if she gave up yet as the other children did- SHE DID NOT- I WOULD TURN AROUND AND IT WAS AS IF I WAS LOOKING AT A TIGER- SHE WAS FOCUSED- SHE KEPT COMING- so i kept it up- i was getting tired- but by god i was not going to let this little girl beat me- so i continued- I SWEAR TO GOD I CONTINUED FOR AT LEAST 30 MINUTES AND THIS GIRL DID NOT GIVE UP- THE ENTIRE FAMILY WAS WATCHING THIS TAKE PLACE AND THEY WERE LAUGHING AT IT- AS I WAS TRYING TO EVADE THIS GIRL WHO NEVER LET UP- THE SCIENTISTS IN ME WAS CURIOUS ABOUT THE DETERMINATION OF THIS LITTLE SPIRIT-SO I CONTINUED MY EXPERIMENT ONLY TO SEE WHEN DOES THIS GIRL BREAK-I WAS GETTING VERY TIRED- AND I WAS ON MY SECOND WIND- I COULD HAVE KEPT GOING BUT I STARTED TO FEEL I MIGHT HURT HER( ok- i know you think i just gave up before her- but i'm tough too-ha) i just had to stop- enough was enough- this girl was truly a warrior in my eyes- very rare- and i dont know her well as i dont see her much- but after seeing the picture on the wall last night- my cousin and I began talking about the amazing traits this girl has- the ability to be strong when many are weak- the ability to help someone when they are down- taking the time to write that picture for my cousin was a miracle- it is the little things such as this- and by many on this internet who take the time to send messages of unity and peace and shower you with love- BECAUSE- SOMETIMES WE NEED MIRACLES IN OUR LIVES- AND THEY ARE PEOPLE LIKE CRYSTAL-BLESSED TO FEEL THE INNER SPIRIT- AND TAKE ACTION- IT IS A STATE OF MIND-

this letter is for all the crystals out there-male or female for it doesnt matter- to all those great spirits i have gathered as friends and met on this beautiful communication devise the internet- MAY SOME DAY SOON THE WORLD BE REBORN WITH THE FULL KNOWLEDGE IT IS MORE IMPORTANT TO TEACH OUR CHILDREN IT IS FAR GREATER TO BE THE POSITIVE SPIRIT-FOR IT IS A STATE OF MIND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MY ROAD TO CONVICTION AS A MESSENGER OF GOD HAS CULMINATED UPON A 25 YEAR ADULT LIFE MISSION TO FIND A SOLUTION FOR THE BETTERMENT OF MANKIND I am a scientist at heart- I find myself to be a novelist of sorts in order to uncover myself- I wrote of my experiences in the following book---IT ALSO CONTAINS MY SCIENCE OF NUCLEAR FUSION ALONG WITH MY THEORIES OF HOW ATOMS COME TOGETHER click on this book cover to be taken to book store


About Me

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I am the man who has solved the energy crisis with no greenhouse gases by myself. I thought that was the hard part, ending my experiments april 2007 i have tried to communicate with people on the internet-the gateway to humanity connecting millions of souls- one major problem- FAITH- in the struggle of man on earth in his own battle with faith to god- is FAITH with your friends and neighbors and whomever you meet anywhere in life. it is now 24years on this net - will you help uncover- none do anything- no wonder the global economy has failed and on brink of nuclear war-